1. To speak about the development of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and comment on how these have evolved over time.
2. To explore different types of mass media (mass vs social) and express our preferences.
3. To discuss past events published in newspapers and explain how they have impacted our own and others’ lives.
4. To explore the sections of a newspaper and discuss in which section specific news should be located.
5. To discuss the positive and negative aspects of tourism and react to someone else’s opinion on the matter.
6. To express our opinion on different social affairs and comment on someone else’s opinion.
7. To make suggestions and proposals during a group discussion.
8. To show agreement and disagreement in formal and informal situations.
9. To set conditions during a negotiation.
10. To consider imaginary situations and to explain what we would do in them.
11. To speak about different traditions and sports and give our opinion about them.
12. To give our opinion about other people’s actions and behaviours.
13. To suggest and give advice on overcoming fears.
1. To describe people’s traits and appearance depending on their lifestyle.
2. To give advice about what you would do in the same situation as another person.
3. To speak about hypothetical, unlikely, and impossible situations in the present and the future.
4. To specify the characteristics of someone or something we wish or would like to find.
5. To describe the main characteristics of historical cities.
6. To express the ideas and misconceptions we had about a place.
7. To speak about our impressions and thoughts about a place we have visited.
8. To establish the requirements for grants and contests.
9. To speak about our own experiences with grants, scholarships, and contests.
10. To describe the requirements of a job.
11. To decide who is a better fit for a job based on their skills and experience.
1. To give detailed instructions to conduct a physical activity.
2. To describe people’s actions, movements, and reactions.
3. To speak about gestures, body language, facial expressions, and their possible interpretations.
4. To speak about past experiences where we complained about a service.
5. To justify our behaviour and express disagreement with someone’s idea.
6. To speak about intentions, accidents, and unintended consequences.
7. To write a journalist chronicle.
8. To speak about inventions that were supposed to change the world but didn’t.
9. To tell stories, tales, and legends.
1. To speak about how the world as we know it, will have changed in 50 years.
2. To describe, analyse and speak about the causes and consequences of environmental problems.
3. To speak about the negative impact that technological inventions will have on our health and the environment.
4. To speak about jobs and the motivations we have when choosing them.
5. To speak about our past work experiences -requirements, positives, and negatives.
6. To speak about the influence of work on hobbies and free time activities.
7. To speak about innovative work projects and companies.
8. To speak about hypothetical outcomes in the past and the possible consequences of them.
9. To speak about key decisions and regrets.
10. To give opinions about past events and decisions.
11. To speak about hypothetical scenarios of historical events.
12. To speak about learning styles and memorable educational experiences.