Our Classes

Everyone deserves quality educational support in order to achieve academic success. Scroll down to see our classes.

In-person, face to face spanish lessons and classes. Smart Spanish

Face to Face

Whether you live in London, Basingstoke/Winchester, or Barcelona and want to learn Spanish in person with an experienced Spanish teacher we are a good fit for you.
One to One
Choose our one-to-one lessons if you prefer to learn at your own pace or have a busy schedule. These lessons are tailored to your specific requirements, whatever your motivation (holidays, moving abroad, personal challenge).
Need your employees to speak Spanish to communicate with overseas offices or clients? Or simply want to encourage your team to learn a second language? Our corporate Spanish courses are the perfect solution and are delivered to your company's office. For more information, please get in touch.
Spanish online classes at Smart Spanish


Do you like to learn from the comfort of your home or office? If so, our online lessons are the perfect choice.
One to One
Choose our one-to-one lessons if you prefer to learn at your own pace or have a busy schedule. These lessons are tailored to your specific requirements, whatever your motivation (holidays, moving abroad, personal challenge).
Group Lessons
Learn Spanish in a fun and interactive environment with our group lessons. Each two-hour class has a maximum of 10 students. These lessons follow a set programme. Various courses are available based on language level. For more information please check our courses.
Need your employees to speak Spanish to communicate with overseas offices or clients? Or simply want to encourage your team to learn a second language? Our corporate Spanish courses are the perfect solution. For more information about business lessons, please get in touch.

Ready to achieve
your goals?

Get in touch today for a free consultation and let’s discuss your road to academic success.

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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